So if you didn’t see my post last week, I teamed up with Green Giant and Dr. V to work on cleaning up my bad eating habits (aka SUGAR) and eat more vegetables. Over the past week I have definitely done much better and really trying to eat more healthy foods.
A few recent dinners:
Noodles w/ veggies in lemon garlic sauce w/ a buttered piece of Ezekiel bread.
Sliced sweet potato from our garden + corn casserole (Green Giant frozen spinach and corn + egg + cheese)
And my new favorite after dinner treat: Brownie flavored Quest bar topped with a 1 Tbs. (ok more like two) of mini chocolate chips, microwaved for 15 seconds…
Also, as promised, Dr. V sent me this RX for things I need to work on, and you guys she was SPOT ON. Love this lady.
She immediately picked up on my love for baking, and encouraged to me really think about what I love about baking so much and to see if their is a way to feel the same way when preparing other food. I started thinking about it and I just really love creating new recipes and the feeling of accomplishment I get when I get praise for a “great new recipe” and seeing the end result. I realized that most nights when I REALLY want to bake, are nights when I had prepared a really simple dinner or we ate out. The nights when I made an intricate casserole or a dinner that required a lot of assembly, I was less likely to want to bake.
So my plan this week, is to cut out the baking (of sweets) and spend more time on dinner and other meals throughout the week. I’m thinking that by coming up with some new veggie loaded casseroles and meals, that will help decrease the need to bake fattening and high sugar sweets. However, I am loving Dr. V’s challenge to create a cookie recipe using spinach. Challenge accepted!!
Click HERE to see some hilarious videos of people “Caught Green-Handed”
* This post was sponsored by Green Giant, but all opinions are my own*
What are your go-to healthy dinners? Favorite veggie casserole recipe?